Product and Service Policies

Product Pricing

Our product prices vary depending on the type of application the product targets, the intended industry, and the anticipated user base. Specialty tools with a limited audience may be priced higher than a simpler utility that may be useful to a large number of users. Our pricing also follows the licensing model of the software and how many implementations a product is expected to acheive.

A metric we use when setting the price of a product is to consider the amount of time an average integration firm would spend creating a tool with similar functionality. For example, if a company uses 10 hours of project time developing a custom software tool, then we aim to provide our product at a similar, but lower, price. In this way, the value of a product is understood by its price while still saving you time.

At minimum, our products follow a "Pay What You Want" pricing model. The minimum price is listed on the product page so you know the cost up front. Some products may be listed for free but will still use the "Pay What You Want" model. Products that receive extra income above the minimum asking price may be better funded for future updates and improvements. We sincerely appreciate when you pay above the asking price as it contributes to our development efforts to bring more useful and helpful software products to the entertainment industry. If you find our products useful and it has saved you programming time, please consider contributing to our effort. Large contributors may be eligible to receive discounts, free upgrades, or other special promotions.


All of our products use one of the following license models. All models require that you do not share or distribute the software excpet for use in your own projects with direct clients.

  1. 1. Reusable Perpetual License
    • - The product is purchased once and may be reused any number of times for any project.
    • - The poduct is licensed to you or your company.
    • - Minor updates are free with proof of purchase (providing purchase details to receive updates).
    • - Major updates are available for a reduced price.

  2. 2. Limited Project License
    • - The product is purchased for each project, installation, or application.
    • - The product is registered and licensed to the end client and is branded or watermarked with the project name and client information.
    • - Minor updates are free for the registered license holder.
    • - Major updates are available for the registered license holder at a reduced price.

  3. 3. Single Instance License
    • - The product is purchased for each instance of the software, or for each machine that will host the software.
    • - The product will be registered and licensed to the end client and is branded or watermarked with the client's information.
    • - The product will require a method of activation to tie the license key to the machine hardware and verify licensing eligibility.
    • - Minor updates are free for the registered license holder.
    • - Major updates are available for the registered license holder at a reduced price.

  4. 4. Subscription
    • - The product is provided as a subscription service that requires specific payments on a regular bases as stated in the specific product information.
    • - The product is accessible only via registered users.
    • - The product will require a method of activation and verification of use eligibility and may be tied to a single machine.
    • - All updates are included as part of the service agreement.

Custom Solutions and Suggested Products

We are always looking for great ideas to invest our knowledge into. If you have a specific need for a software tool, we offer work-for-hire services. In some cases, we may offer deep discounts for your project if we choose to further develop your basic requirements to create a more advanced software product.

If you have an idea for a tool that you would like to see, we welcome you to send it to us. If we choose to implement the idea, you could get it for a deeply discounted price or even free.

Refunds and Exchanges

Due to the nature of the products and some license models, we are unable to provide refunds for software products after purchase. In the case of subscription services, we will offer pro rata refund based on the remaining days of the billing period.

Questions or Concerns

If you have any questions or concerns regarding licensing or pricing and how it affects you, your clients, or your projects, please reach out to us. In any case, we will be glad to work with you and your specific needs to ensure you get the success you need.